Kester Jog-A-Thon is Jan 31st! Register online and send pledge requests to family and friends!

2025 Kickoff Video!
Jog-A-Thon 2024 Highlights!

Students earn 1 prize point for each $25 flat donation or $1 per lap pledges. All students will be credited a minimum of 25 laps and a maximum of 35 laps. Per lap pledges are collected online only.

*Students are NOT awarded points for each lap they run.

Help raise additional funds to support the enrichment programs return next school year. We are super excited to involve students and parents in this event and we greatly appreciate your participation. Help ensure the success of our Computer Lab & Technology program, Art, Music, Science Lab and Mindfulness programs.

Register your student online at and enter the school’s student access code COUGARS2025. Select “Go” and start e-mailing or texting family and friends today!

Students will earn prizes just for sending 5 emails each day, starting Thurs, Jan 16th. Don’t wait to register and miss out on the First Night Bonus Prize.

There is no set donation amount. We ask that every student try to get at least one pledge. Pledges can start from 25 cents per lap or a flat pledge of $10 or $100.

*Participation is voluntary, please donate what you can. Each student will receive a free Jog-A-Thon shirt and can participate in the event whether funds are raised or not.

The last day to register and collect pledges is Thurs, Jan 30th at 11:59pm.

*Flat donations are accepted by cash, check or online donation. Per lap pledges collected online only.

*Make checks payable to Kester Ave PTA and note student’s name and Room#.